2020 Resolutions: Goal Setting for a Successful Year!


For a lot of people, 12:00 AM on January 1, 2020 is the mark of a new beginning. As you were counting down those last ten seconds closing out 2019 you were probably reflecting on sweet memories from the past few months and rejoicing in your achievements. You may have just been counting down to that big moment ringing in the New Year lip-locked with that special someone. Though it’s natural for most, maybe you were a little bummed about the goals you had set last year that you never met.

Why do people set resolutions? Does the word put a bad taste in your mouth because it just reminds you of year after year unmet goals and achievements?

Well it all dates back to the Early Romans making promises in order to get on the right side of all of their gods. Fast-forward 4000 years and here we are still making promises, maybe not to the Roman Gods, but now to ourselves. The truth is that LESS THAN 10% actually accomplish their resolutions.

A lot of those missed opportunities are simply due to poor planning and lack of self-confidence.

One of the most highly recommended methods for goal setting is the SWOT method. This stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

This is where you break it all down. Set that goal and create your formula of how to reach it. Maybe you want to start up your own business this year. First, list your SWOT.. Then under each Weakness add bullet points on things you can do to strengthen those weaknesses, and do the same for the Threats.

Here’s an example:

My New Company.jpg

After that set QUARTERLY goals. Setting more short term (obtainable) goals helps boost your self confidence to keep you going and knocks out some of those hurdles in your way to catching the silver tuna aka your big resolution!

Lastly, a very unpopular and controversial piece of advice:

Approach your goal WITHOUT a backup plan. With that backup plan in place you are going to subconsciously settle with the idea of failing. Majority of people take the safe route because its comfortable which slows you down and ends up stopping you from pushing through the icky feeling of change and growth. Next thing you know, you’re a year (or 5 years) down the road looking back on that big dream you gave up on.

Be unique, jump in and land on the moon with the others are landing on stars!

 Cheers to a Happy, Healthy and SUCCESSFUL 2020!